Our Impact
Kura Omar and Sarah Hadden founded the Kenya Drylands Education Fund in 2013, primarily to help girls stay in school. Since then, KDEF has been working hard to lift up students, families and communities through expanded access to education across Northern Kenya.

Constructed the first ever library in Northern Kenya

15,000 menstrual hygiene kits distributed

KDEF has touched the lives of 145,500+ individuals, spanning 29,100 households.

47 schools supported with construction of classrooms, dormitories, sanitation blocks, kitchens and staff housing

216 high-school scholarships provided

KDEF’s new center will serve close to 2,000 students each year

Completed 24 water projects including boreholes, rock catchment, and shallow wells

Fencing the perimeter of five schools

Built modern science centers for four secondary schools

Constructed and equipped 25 classrooms

Built 30 sanitation blocks

Repairs and Renovations to seven schools