A Student, A Sponsor, A Story of Love and Hope: Part Two


Written by Ellen Leeds, James’ sponsor

When my husband and I decided to sponsor a Secondary School student through KDEF, I had no idea that I would actually meet our student, James, face to face 3 years later. Initially our relationship consisted of an annual exchange of letters. We shared news of our lives in Vermont and James wrote of his experiences at Alliance High School in Nairobi and his dream of coming to the United States for college.

As James progressed at Alliance it became clear that he had a great facility in math and science. He finished each year at the top of his class and we realized that James has a seriousness of purpose not often found in students his age. He is quite determined to focus his college years on preparing himself to become a doctor. What impressed us even more is James’s vision of returning to his village of Korr in Northern Kenya to open a clinic that will provide affordable medical services to residents.  


 My opportunity to meet James came in the spring of 2019. I learned that KDEF was organizing a trip to Northern Kenya to see first-hand the work we had been doing in several villages in Marsabit County. As a Board member, I had a special interest in making this trip. I spoke with Ahmed Kura, Kenya Country Director, and asked if it would be possible for me to meet James at some point during our 9-day visit. He kindly offered to set up a meeting. The intervening weeks  sped by and on a sunny Sunday several months later Kura and I made the trip to Alliance High School to meet not only James, but three of James’s older brothers as well. James welcomed us and proudly escorted us around the grounds of the school. It was an unforgettable experience for me and I enjoyed every minute of the time I spent with our wonderful student!

And that wasn’t all. A few days later as our KDEF group journeyed north, we stopped overnight in Korr. There to greet me at their home were James’s parents, James and his younger sister and brother. His father, Simon, speaks English and I learned a lot about James and the rest of his large family from him. The highlight was a tour of his village that James took me on.  We met his older sister, Lilian, and his nephew as well as his grandmother.  I asked James about his earlier schooling and learned about the long distance he had to walk in order to reach the nearest school. Education is valued in his family and he is determined to make the most of the opportunity he has been given. James spoke of the responsibility he feels to his community to complete college and medical training so that he can return to Korr and provide the care that is so lacking at present. He is a very impressive young man and I don’t have any doubt that he will succeed.    


KDEF Preventing a Health Pandemic from Becoming a Hunger Catastrophe


A Student, A Sponsor, A Story of Love & Hope: Part One